Saturday, September 22, 2007

Going Green with Custom Cabinetry

cabinet dovetail drawers made with FSC certified woods

I went to the West Coast Green conference today - and found a few exhibits that had an organizing aspect.

Quality Custom Components makes amazing dovetail drawers - and they are available in FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified woods, with waterborne wood coatings which are proven no and low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds). I wish their web site had better pictures; the one above was a picture I took this afternoon. I'm posting a large picture so you can see the dovetailing - but the picture doesn't do them justice.

kitchen cabinetry

SilverWalker says they make "sustainably crafted cabinetry"; they build their cabinets with bamboo and FSC certified woods. Their web site is still under construction, so I'm glad I took a few pictures here, too - but again, the photo doesn't begin to capture how lovely these cabinets are.

Both of these companies are in Northern California, but there are green cabinet makers in many parts of the world - something to consider if you need new cabinets.

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